Would you like to be a super Things volunteer?

There’s lots of stuff that needs to be done when it comes to having a webcomic. Sometimes it gets a little overwhelming as a one woman operation. One thing that is a simple job and I should just be able to do is to write transcripts for each of the comics. That makes the comic more accessible for anyone vision impaired, has English as a language they struggle with or doesn’t like reading my handwriting. It should also create more written content that might help the Things show up on search engines.

For some reason trying to do transcripts is really distracting in a way that makes it hard for me to draw comics! I would love a volunteer to write them up (the first 20 or so comics have transcripts if you want to see samples). You can either write it up in plain text and I’ll add or enter it straight into WordPress.

Let me know if that tickles your fancy, as either a big one off project or a little bit here and there as you can manage it. For this you will get my love and appreciation, I’ll post you Things mini-comics (and possibly shrinky-dinks if I can make something pretty enough) and other yay you are a life saver stuff (TBA). If you want to commit to it on a regular basis I’ll create a special support staff page so we can appreciate your awesomeness sufficiently.

If this interests you please email [email protected] and we can chat. Thank you!

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