Dear readers,
Thank you for spending a bit of your valuable time with me. When I post an update and folks come over to read the latest. When someone stumbles onto my comic, starts at page one and works their way through. It’s the most amazing feeling.
I often feel like a bumbling fool, figuring it out as she goes along and probably doing most things wrong. That I can be a bumbling fool of service makes me smile from ear to ear. Know that when a creator says every reader is important, they mean it. I certainly mean it, with all my heart. You are important, and thank you for popping by and spending a bit of time with the Things. We notice when you do (in an anonymous, website stats kind of way) and it makes us grin right down to our toes and/or ground contacting body parts.
<3 <3 <3
Liz, the Things, and friends.