Tag: Things without arms and without legs

Thing 1: oh moon
Thing 1: It was so pretty up there
Thing 2: maybe you should put it back
Thing 1: yeah

Thing 1: Did you eat the cake?
Thing 2: no, did you?
when bunnies have too much sugar (+are on the moon)

Thing 2: we’re on the moon!
Thing 1: I brought cake!
Thing 2: I didnt bring anything
Thing 1: you brought your awesome!

The Things, Bunson Hoppydew, Sock, Boot and Skate are all snoozing happily together.
We Dream of You

Thing 1: zzz
Thing 2: I can’t sleep
Thing 1: zzz
Thing 2: I’m too sad too worried too grumpy too stupid too lazy too tired + not enough
Thing 1: zzz
Thing 2: Things I have done + haven’t done I don’t know what to do
Thing 1: zzzz
Thing 1 snuggles onto Thing 2 in its sleep. Thing 2 smiles.

Thing 2: How do you do it?
Thing 1: Do what?
Thing 2: The thing with your eyes
Thing 1: Practice
Thing 1: Maybe lots of practice

Thing 2: I’m thinking of all the things I do not know
Thing 1: Can I do that too?
Thing 2: Sure!
Thing 1 and 2 close their eyes and smile.
They open their eyes and lean on each other.
Thing 1 & Thing 2: It’s so exciting

Thing 1: Have you seen my feelings?
Thing 2: Yes!
Thing 1: Those are my feelings!
Bunson: really?
Thing 1: Yes
Bunson: oh
Bunson: Thanks!