Tag: Liz Argall

Thing 1: I like they
Thing 2: me too
So this is what the inside of my brain looks like when it has been hanging out with the things.

Thing 1: If you could be anything what would you be?
Thing 2: Now
Thing 2: What would you be?
Thing 1: This

Thing 2: I'm angry all the time
Thing 1: really?
Thing 2: no
Thing 2: I just like how the words sound

Thing 1: I had a sad (smiles)
Thing 1: but I lost it (sad face)
Thing 1: It might be scared
Thing 2: and lonely

Thing 1: I had a sad (smiles)
Thing 1: but I lost it (sad face)

Thing 2: Do you believe in me?
Thing 1: No
Thing 1: I have evidence

Thing 1: Do you ever wonder why?
a pause
Thing 2: Yes
Thing 1: Me too!

Thing 1: I used to have arms
Thing 1: but then I got better
Thing 2: I need a hug
Thing 1: Ok