Tag: Liz Argall

Things 1 & 2: Sometimes I worry
let People down
not good enough
too loud
too quiet
might hurt someone
Things 1 & 2: but then I remember
teddy bears
Bunson: And don't forget Bunnies!

Sometimes things are vulnerable.
Extra art for your Thursday.

Dear Writer,
We like you
you have ideas
bigger than your words
bigger than your body
ideas so big that sometimes
it feels like no ideas
because they are too big
to see
You are a good writer
You do thinkey things
and listeney things
and word things
you cry for words and characters
and ideas
you are a good writer
and we like you
from -> The Things
Making a Bunny
My plan is to update every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but a little extra content never hurt anyone 😉
Here’s some Tuesday art for you. Developing a good way of drawing BuNSOn wasn’t automatic, and I’m sure his shape will continue to mature. Here are two pages of concept sketches as I honed in on BuNSOn’s look. There are many more pages – but I won’t make you endure all of them.