By strange coincidence the creator of the Things will be playing in her first full Rat Lab roller derby game tomorrow (as opposed to fun semi-random teams put together for a specific event). Rat Lab will be playing Grunge City in the Rat's Nest on Friday May 24. Brown Paper Tickets for details, you can also buy tickets at the door.
As you can see I'm still enjoying my stylus vacation, though analog media has its own challenges. I think I might need to buy some nicer pens!
Tankin' Bear looks down at Bunson Hoppydew sitting in Rollerskate. Mayara is wearing rollerderby gear.
Tankin' Bear: Make sure you get enough sleep before the big game.
Bunson: Ok!
Bunson and Mayara immediately fall asleep.
Tankin' Bear: After practice!
Bunson: zzzz