Happy Monday everyone!
This might be my favorite way to create... And yes, I did get under a blankie to draw this comic... Zzzzz.
Thing 1 is under a blanket.
Thing 2: What are you doing?
Thing 1: I'm writing a story!
Thing 2: Really?
Thing 1: The blanket helps!
Thing 1: zzz
5 thoughts on “Blankie Create (Comic #249)”
Karen Evans
But but but… how can a Thing write a story with no hands!!
I could say I leave that as an exercise to the reader, but this comic where they write letters might give you a clue! ^_^ http://www.thingswithout.com/?comic=207-letters-part-2
It’s really interesting looking at all the different ways we can write and the development of technology that gets us closer to writing using the power of our mind (eg http://cosmiclog.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/06/25/12401493-how-researchers-hacked-into-stephen-hawkings-brain?lite).
Karen Evans
I’d forgotten about that! There are definitely many amazing alternatives to hands.
Theodore Matthew Coop
There are, however, several things I would no longer do without my hands (e.g. origami, or pottery), but I would still sing old Cat Stevens songs a capella.
Pottery by mouth would certainly be an interesting challenge!
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