Webcomic, see text below for full transcript.

Hi Meg! (human interaction) (Comic #744)

I sketched this a while ago, but only just now finished it off. Drawing Meg was a handy steppingstone towards drawing more human interactions in the comic book I have out with an agent right now. :-)

It's weird, while I was on holidays, I guess it was a true holiday in that I only did a little art. Now that I'm back at a job, 9-5 (and a little bit more than that as I'm helping folks at work prepare for a conference) the structure makes it easier for me to do art in my downtime!

Hi Meg! (human interaction) webcomic transcript

Little Liz talking to a friendly person. The person wears glasses and has a cat head.


Little Liz: Hello Meg!

Little Liz: Thank you for coming to my comic.


Meg: A pleasure.


Little Liz: I realized that I don’t have a lot of experience drawing me interacting with other humans! It feels a bit vulnerable, but also a good stretch for me.


Meg: You do realize you’ve drawn me with a cat head.


Little Liz: Heh… but a very nice cat?

Meg twiddles her whiskers.

Meg: It’s true, I do make an excellent cat.

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