Stuffed toy BuNSOn Hoppydew, a beloved mascot of Roller Derby Officiating is looking at an iPad that has a drawing of yesterday's comic on it, Real Things Head Boop Bunnies.

Booping Bunnies

Bunson liked yesterday's comic.

Image Description

Stuffed toy BuNSOn Hoppydew, a beloved mascot of Roller Derby Officiating is looking at an iPad that has a drawing of yesterday's comic on it, Real Things Head Boop Bunnies.

Roller Derby Side-note

BuNSOn Hoppydew (the NSO in his stuffed toy form is capitalized to represent NSOs, Non Skating Officials) is very proud to be a roller derby mascot and has travelled the world in this capacity. Non Skating Officials are the folks who keep track of penalties, use stop watches a lot and sort of act as the long term memory of the Referees who zoom about on rollerskates and don't have a lot of time to write things down.