
You can e-mail us at [email protected] (my Things e-mail is broken). If you would like to post a hard copy letter please e-mail me for details.

Dear Friends,
Hi, I’m the creator of Things Without Arms and Without Legs. I’m doing Nanowrimo this November as  well as attending Orycon (come say hi!) and trying to become the best Roller Derby player I can (hi Rat City I really love being on your fresh meat program!)

Sure I want to write a 50,000 word novel in the next 25 days, but that doesn’t mean I stop bringing you the Things every second day.

I would like your help.

Please write to us, pick one or several of the characters and send them a short (or long) note/question/rant/doodle. Questions and letters inspire us, your words can become part of our adventure and it will really help keep the juices flowing.

Thankyou thankyou thankyou,
