Dear Writer,

We like you
you have ideas
bigger than your words
bigger than your body
ideas so big that sometimes
it feels like no ideas
because they are too big
to see

You are a good writer
You do thinkey things
and listeney things
and word things
you cry for words and characters
and ideas
you are a good writer
and we like you
from -> The Things

Dear Writer (Comic #27)

Someone asked me to write something for them. Something nice about someone else. My brain wanted to do all the things, and wanted to go down all the rabbit holes at once. So I let the Things write a letter for me. They're much smarter than me and have a way of getting to the essence of things without worrying too much. it took a few goes to boil things down to their essence, but I got there.

And now I have written a second letter. This letter is for you and this letter is for me.

I started writing it, and then I started to worry - maybe they should be writing 'dear people' or 'dear entities' ... I didn't like the idea of anyone missing out. But I didn't want to lose specific things and I wanted to keep an open space for writing more letters later. And most of us are storyteller/writers in one way or the other. If you relate to the struggle of ideas and articulating/thinking them - then you can most certainly be a writer (unless you don't feel like having that label because you feel it draws attention away from labels you like better - like artist, poet, storyteller, philosopher, scientist, community builder or...).


Dear Writer,

We like you
you have ideas
bigger than your words
bigger than your body
ideas so big that sometimes
it feels like no ideas
because they are too big
to see

You are a good writer
You do thinkey things
and listeney things
and word things
you cry for words and characters
and ideas
you are a good writer
and we like you
from -> The Things

One thought on “Dear Writer (Comic #27)

  1. I love this. More people need to see this to know what it means to be a writer… Too often it’s easier to focus on what you want things to be, rather than just the story. Thanks for the letter!

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