Two Kittens in Your Pocket Comic Transcript
Little Liz looks down at her chest and looks a little sad.
Little Liz: There are two truths that haunt my pockets.
Little Liz: They jump out at me like a scared kitten scratching my face.
A black cat is leaping mid-air, scratching Little Liz’s face.
Little Liz: I want to be seen.
A black cat walks on Liz’s head, claws digging in.
Little Liz: I’m scared of being seen.
A black cat has grabbed onto Liz’s face in slightly face-hugger style.
Little Liz: So I’m getting curious about my fear kittens.
Little Liz looks out at us and slightly smiles. She is framed by two black cats that are sitting and looking towards her.

Two Kittens in Your Pocket (Comic #778)

This comic was drawn for the Mini Comic Night Dune Fan Club (nothing to do with the book/movies!), a monthly cartoonist meetup facilitated by David Lasky. It started as a dancing tribute to Jules Feiffer and then kittens turned up, so less room for dancing!

I’ve been doing a lot of good work recently. In my creative and professional life around having a stronger voice and extending my comfort zone. Life can sometimes feel like a cycle of remembering and forgetting or maybe knowing truths in your body and forgetting.

I can still experience terrible anxiety sometimes, but I’m being bolder and forgiving myself for when I reality check. Sometimes I forget that it’s ok to be me, but then I remember again ^_^

Thanks to all my patrons and a special big extra thanks to Kate Webb, Erik Owomoyela, Stuart Barrow, Jesse the K, Brian Fies and Tracey Radford.

Two Kittens in Your Pocket Comic Transcript

Little Liz looks down at her chest and looks a little sad.

Little Liz: There are two truths that haunt my pockets.

Little Liz: They jump out at me like a scared kitten scratching my face.

A black cat is leaping mid-air, scratching Little Liz’s face.

Little Liz: I want to be seen.

A black cat walks on Liz’s head, claws digging in.

Little Liz: I’m scared of being seen.

A black cat has grabbed onto Liz’s face in slightly face-hugger style.

Little Liz: So I’m getting curious about my fear kittens.

Little Liz looks out at us and slightly smiles. She is framed by two black cats that are sitting and looking towards her.

Chuffles Misses the Moon, and so it begins

And now in the month of Halloween, of transition and change I give to you Chuffles Misses the Moon. Every week day I’ll put up a fresh page from this children’s picture book I drew. THE FIRST EVER CHILDREN’S PICTURE BOOK I’VE DRAWN, unless you count the things I did when I was actually a kid. Drawing something in this format was a new learning experience for me. I’d love any notes or comments you have as the updates go up. I might try self publishing it when it’s done so folks can have something in hand to read to kids (OMG, the idea of something I’ve written being a bedtime story… kinda amazing). If I self publish I’d love you, my dear ones, I’d love your help to turn it up to eleven before we go to print. Please enjoy, Chuffles Misses the Moon.

Joyfully Uncanny Things Need Your Kickstarter Support

Originally posted over at In March I read a short story by Kat Howard over at Uncanny Magazine called Translatio Corpus. I liked the story so much that the Things responded to it.
Kat Howard's Uncanny Magazine story is responded to be things webcomic characters
This is also a call back to one of the earliest Things comic, Spoons!
  After a very successful first year Uncanny is running a Kickstarter to support year two (and asking for a lot less money as wonderful Patreons and Weightless Books e-subscribers come on board). They would like your money and will use it to bring more wonderful diverse stories, poems and non-fiction to the world. If Uncanny makes it through all the stretch goals there will be a Things Respond to Fiction comic for EVERY EPISODE. We are so excited about this on so many levels. We are so honored to be part of the Kickstarter. Less than 10K to go at 16 days, not an easy goal, but most definitely doable. Join the Space Unicorn Corps! Go check out the Kickstarter!
Things Webcomic #14, back when I was learning how to do everything… so some things don’t change in 13 years, still needing to learn everything!