The Unknown Comic Transcript Big chaotic things swirl around Boor, with multiple question marks. A slightly smaller number of question marks and chaotic things swirl around Boot. Boot is stoic And fewer things again. Boot is stoic. The chaos has reduced to a few question marks and blue blobs. Boot: I’m ok with the unknown. How we cope with the unknown is a powerful thing. Boot knows how to handle it.

The Unknown (Comic #772), Starring Boot

When faced with the unknown I can get very fierce in my determination to tame it. Sometimes it’s absolutely the right thing to do. But it’s nice to have more options, more softness and flexibility in how I can respond to chaos. It’s so nice when things get better with practice.

Thanks to all my patrons and a special big extra thanks to Kate Webb, Erik Owomoyela, Stuart Barrow, Jesse the K, Brian Fies and Tracey Radford.


The Unknown Comic Transcript

Big chaotic things swirl around Boor, with multiple question marks.

A slightly smaller number of question marks and chaotic things swirl around Boot. Boot is stoic

And fewer things again. Boot is stoic.

The chaos has reduced to a few question marks and blue blobs.

Boot: I’m ok with the unknown.