Reading a Book I Wanted to Read (Little Liz Comic #41)

A two page comic for folks!

Healing is possible, but it is a process. I’ve created a resource on recovering from psychosis, though a lot is relevant for recovering from all sorts of things. I’ve added to it just about every day, it’s quite a monster of a doc!

This comic is about psychosis recovery in particular, but there are many other things that can be hard on the noggin (like grief or illness) that can render a similar thing. Healing always takes longer than we want. Thank heavens for audio books!

Shout out to Julie McGalliard for her book, Waking Up Naked in Strange Places. A werewolf urban fantasy that transcends genre expectations in several ways.

Thanks to all my patrons and a special big extra thanks to Kate Webb, Erik Owomoyela, Stuart Barrow, Jesse the K, Brian Fies and Tracey Radford.


Reading a Book I Wanted to Read Comic Transcript

Page 1

Caption: 1 month after psychosis.

Little Liz is holding a copy of Waking up Naked in Strange Places by Julie McGalliard.

Little Liz: I’d like to read this book, but I’m in so much pain words make me nauseous.

Caption: 6 months after

Little Liz: I’d like to read this book, but it’s so painful just reading the books I need to read.

Caption: 1 year after

Little Liz: I’d like to read this book, but reading about a religious sect terrifies me.

I don’t like spending a moment with charismatic figures who are harming the sanity of others.

I used to be such a reader, I can’t imagine being that person again.

Page 2

Caption: 3 Years After Psychosis

Little Liz: Events actually happening in the world remind me of my delusions.

I think Julie’s book might be strangely comforting

Caption: After reading 160 pages in one go.

Little Liz: Gosh this is a good book!

I can read physical books for pleasure again!

I will never get tired of this small miracle.

Chuffles Misses the Moon – Page 24

Chuffles Misses the Moon – Page 23

Chuffles Misses the Moon – Page 22

Chuffles Misses the Moon – Page 21

Chuffles Misses the Moon – Page 20

Chuffles Misses the Moon – Page 19

Chuffles misses the moon – page 18

Chuffles misses the moon – page 17

Delights of Halloween

Things fans and supporters are the best! The IR family made this fab pumpkin carving… image And the Les. R. Evil family made this one! image You are the best!!!

Chuffles misses the moon – page 16