Comics in new website layout!

Familiarity, part 2! (Comic #770)

If this comic looks familiar, it’s because I’ve made comics on this topic before. And as this comic shows, familiarity is not a bad thing :-).

Thanks to all my patrons and a special big extra thanks to Kate Webb, Erik Owomoyela, Stuart Barrow, Jesse the K, Brian Fies and Tracey Radford.


Familiarity Comic Transcript

Lifestyle Advice From a Small Pink Bunny

Bunson Hoppydew (he’s a little pink bunny who likes dancing, friendship and cake) is sitting in Boot.



Bunson hugs boot.


Bunson closes his eyes with happiness and Sock also rests in Boot.

Making a Bunny

My plan is to update every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but a little extra content never hurt anyone 😉 Here’s some Tuesday art for you. Developing a good way of drawing BuNSOn wasn’t automatic, and I’m sure his shape will continue to mature. Here are two pages of concept sketches as I honed in on BuNSOn’s look. There are many more pages – but I won’t make you endure all of them.   20120820-134828.jpg

I Have Host My Stylus

So this is what the inside of my brain looks like when it has been hanging out with the things.