The Return of the Worst! (Comic #765)

The phrase "The Worst" has come up a time or two in these comics! Comic 515, The Worst!!!!! continues to be one of my favorites. 

I'm quite pleased by this comic. Good support, good mentoring isn't just about being there for a person. It's helping a person connect more broadly to a fabric of support. Connecting, not isolating.

The Return of the Worst! Comic Transcript

Thing 1: I'm the worst!

Thing 2: I think you should ask lots of people to tell you nice things about you and write them down!

Thing 1: Oh no!

Thing 2: And that's not the worst part!

Thing 2: You should listen and not immediately inject "no" or "but"

Thing 1: You are very mean.

Thing 2: I might be the worst!

Thanks to all my patrons and a special big extra thanks to Kate Webb, Erik Owomoyela, Stuart Barrow, Jesse the K, Brian Fies and Tracey Radford.

Making a Bunny

My plan is to update every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but a little extra content never hurt anyone 😉 Here’s some Tuesday art for you. Developing a good way of drawing BuNSOn wasn’t automatic, and I’m sure his shape will continue to mature. Here are two pages of concept sketches as I honed in on BuNSOn’s look. There are many more pages – but I won’t make you endure all of them.   20120820-134828.jpg

I Have Host My Stylus

So this is what the inside of my brain looks like when it has been hanging out with the things.