Space and Support Comic Transcript
“I am worthy of space, I am worthy of support.”
Little Liz hugs herself.
One little black cat looks towards her.
The other black cat looks away.

Comics in new website layout!

Worthy of Space and Support (Comic #780)

I’ve been getting better at asking for help. But it is always a work in progress.

Thanks to all my patrons and a special big extra thanks to Kate Webb, Erik Owomoyela, Stuart Barrow, Jesse the K, Brian Fies and Tracey Radford.


Space and Support Comic Transcript

“I am worthy of space, I am worthy of support.”

Little Liz hugs herself.

One little black cat looks towards her.

The other black cat looks away.

282: C is for…

This version is a little bit different to the first draft. When my muse makes suggestions I like to say yes whenever I can. Thanks Bunson! I decided not to color this one as I’m thinking this might make a nifty coloring book. What do you think?