The Return of the Worst! (Comic #765)

The phrase "The Worst" has come up a time or two in these comics! Comic 515, The Worst!!!!! continues to be one of my favorites. 

I'm quite pleased by this comic. Good support, good mentoring isn't just about being there for a person. It's helping a person connect more broadly to a fabric of support. Connecting, not isolating.

The Return of the Worst! Comic Transcript

Thing 1: I'm the worst!

Thing 2: I think you should ask lots of people to tell you nice things about you and write them down!

Thing 1: Oh no!

Thing 2: And that's not the worst part!

Thing 2: You should listen and not immediately inject "no" or "but"

Thing 1: You are very mean.

Thing 2: I might be the worst!

Thanks to all my patrons and a special big extra thanks to Kate Webb, Erik Owomoyela, Stuart Barrow, Jesse the K, Brian Fies and Tracey Radford.

293: I is for

290: H is for Hugs

289: G is For Grindstone

288: F is for

287: E is for Everything

285: D is for Doggies

282: C is for…

This version is a little bit different to the first draft. When my muse makes suggestions I like to say yes whenever I can. Thanks Bunson! I decided not to color this one as I’m thinking this might make a nifty coloring book. What do you think?

281: B is for…

280: A is for always

Nice smile

I’ve been at the Nebula Awards this weekend. I try to sketch people during panels. Sketching people can make me very uncomfortable (we know the human face so well that we can easily tell when minute proportions are off) especially when it’s people I admire. Regardless of how unhappy I am with the sketches I feel like time spent drawing 3-d humans is never time wasted. It helps me develop my craft and it helps me pay attention to the panel. I really wanted to capture Chip/Samuel R. Delany’s wonderful smile. His smile has a way of lighting up a room. I’m moderately pleased with this 5 minute sketch. I almost showed it to him, but I chickened out. 20140519-113857.jpg